I just received this picture from Tony D. He and I both grew up in Berkeley heights N.J. This is a picture of the old house on Mountain Ave. I lived here from 1942 until 1962 and then moved on. You can still see the "Doll House" on the right that my dad built for my mother to sew and display her dolls clothes which she would then sell to collectors. You can see several of the old fruit trees that dad planted in the front yard. I can remember spraying them with pesticides back in the 50's. Horrible stuff like Arsenate of Lead and Nicotine Sulphate. There were no controls then and no EPA either. I can remember shoveling the snow off of the stone driveway and struggling to get all snow and no stones on the shovel. The noise my bike tires would make in the gravel as you came down it. Good memorys all. My room was on the second floor to the left in the picture.
This is such a sweet post! It's nice to see where you grew up, it's a lovely home.
Is this a recent picture? I don't remember the path going off the driveway to the left ....
It was a really nice house!
One of the new owners put in a circular driveway. I don't think I like it...
I saw that very moon up in NY during the day while we were at the lake
When the moon hits your eye
like a big pizza pie...
Nice picture!
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