I recently checked my back yard to see if there might be a few more critters hanging around the old home stead. I turned up a few. Unfortunatly my neighbor came over to see what I was doing and got a little too close to one of them...
Wow! youse guys are mokin' hot today. You'll never guess where I am, so I'll tell you. In the main reading room of the New York Public Library on Fifth Avenue. It took about a haf hour to get a little card to allow me to use the computer...great scenery, questionable blog comments!!!. Anyway, I think the two new posts are great. Keep up the good work.
That crazy man! Either that snake had a jump of over 5 feet to reach that man's face -or- he deserved what he got by getting his face close enough to the snake ...
However, I sure hope that it was a pose with a rubber snake!
What did you feed your anaconda that it couldn't fit under the fence, a neighborhood yappy dog? You might also want to train your snake handling staff a bit better to avoid a future lawsuit.
In the spirit of our earlier conversation, I thought I'd let you know I broke out the little push mower & mowed half the yard today...in this horrible hot humid soup weather we had...so that must have smacked my metabolism somewhat! Could I possibly have sweated any more? I truly don't think so.
It didn't help that I poured diesel into the lawn mower half way through (thought it was gas)...then spent an hour trying to start the @#*&!! back up for an hour until Dave got home...oh I was pissed! When he pulled in the driveway I was laying in the grass next to the mower muttering dire epithets to the sky...but at least I burned some calories.
all right already with the damn snakes; we've all seen them many times now hoping to find something a bit more mentally stimulating like maybe a "knock, knock" joke.
Three guys go to a ski lodge, and there aren't enough rooms, so they have to share a bed. In the middle of the night, the guy on the right wakes up and says, "I had this wild, vivid dream of getting a hand job!" The guy on the left wakes up, and unbelievably, he's had the same dream, too. Then the guy in the middle wakes up and says, "That's funny, I dreamed I was skiing!"
A man walks into a hamburger shop and orders a regular meal. Later, the waitress brings his meal to him. He takes a bite out of it, and notices there's a small hair in the hamburger. He begins yelling frantically at the waitress, "Waitress, there's a hair in my hamburger! I demand to see what is going on!"
So, the waitress takes him back where the cook is and to his demise, he sees the cook take the meat patty and flatten it under his arm pit. He says, "That's disgusting!"
Then the waitress says, "You think that's disgusting you should see him make donuts."
Jill: "I can't tell you that. A diary is a highly personal and confidential affair, It has important secret dreams and secret yearnings. It's private. It's not meant to be shared lightly with other people. And besides, this diary belongs to Margaret."
Need Therapy? Clear Out Your Stuff Posted Thu, Aug 14, 2008, 2:02 pm PDT 70% of users found this article helpful. Post a Comment View All 1 Comment Cleaning is my own personal form of therapy. There's something about clearing the decks that puts a smile on my face and relaxes me. Over the years, I have developed a method that is especially effective for me and my family. (Warning: Chaos is involved.)
When I am cleaning an area such as, say, my front hall closet, which I recently tackled, I take everything out and put it on the living room floor. Every tennis racquet, bike helmet, lacrosse stick, sleeping bag or soccer ball gets strewn on the floor and remains there until someone—either me or someone in my family—decides they want it enough to put it back in the closet. After 24 hours, anything left on the floor goes to friends or gets donated to charity.
This works because I have zero tolerance for mess in the living room, and putting it all on the floor forces the issue. I do the same with bookshelves, and it even works with my office inbox, which by day's end is usually teeming with memos, stories and Post-its.
I try to clear things out often because I know it staves off stress: The longer something languishes in your inbox, the more anxiety it creates. Need a little nudge in the decluttering direction? Jen M. R. Doman, owner of Get It Together!, an organizing service in Brooklyn, New York, suggests asking yourself these questions to help you pinpoint what to purge:
• When you look at the item, does it bring up unpleasant memories of a tough time? Sentimental keepsakes should promote feelings of happiness, not regret.
• Do you have a home for it? If you don't immediately envision the spot where you think it belongs, it's a clue that you may no longer need it.
• Is there someone else (a friend or family member, even a charity) who would enjoy the item more than you do? If so, put it on your giveaway pile.
• When did you last use it? If it has been more than three months and it is not a seasonal item (such as your Christmas tree stand), chances are, you can do without it and not even notice.
Find more ideas on spring-cleaning the clutter at Self.com's "In 30 Days, You Can Get Organized."
This is comment number 41, containing a serious request for the adumbration of certain viperiferous calcifications into transmiogrified addenda of a benificent and highly luculent quodlibet nature.
Lori, you have my deepest sympathy...
Have you thought about a Tazor??
Try "TASER"! See how easy the Englich langauge is!!
Wow! youse guys are mokin' hot today.
You'll never guess where I am, so I'll tell you. In the main reading room of the New York Public Library on Fifth Avenue. It took about a haf hour to get a little card to allow me to use the computer...great scenery, questionable blog comments!!!. Anyway, I think the two new posts are great. Keep up the good work.
By the way, are they venomous?
Are you pulling our leg? do you have just rubber snakes for pets?
I remember turning over rocks in search of lizards to feed to somebody's pet snake, circa 1952. Cheryl, there's no hope for him.
Hope springs eternal....
Dad, you need a new post...that picture with the snake on the guy's face makes me cringe everytime I come here.
How about some pictures of your flowers?
That crazy man! Either that snake had a jump of over 5 feet to reach that man's face -or- he deserved what he got by getting his face close enough to the snake ...
However, I sure hope that it was a pose with a rubber snake!
What did you feed your anaconda that it couldn't fit under the fence, a neighborhood yappy dog? You might also want to train your snake handling staff a bit better to avoid a future lawsuit.
The big snake is fried! The fence was electric.....
Always thinking about food?
What's up ChickenButt?!! Yep...just like herpes...I'm back.....
If I have to look at those snake pictures one more time I'm going to call up Rush Limboough and complain about you!!!
Boogedy boogety
Sorry Dad, that was me that deleted the comment.
But I'll tell ya what it was later.
Uh~oh Dad, better hide your snakes...Priscilla is gunning for them.
She got one of 'em already...
In the spirit of our earlier conversation, I thought I'd let you know I broke out the little push mower & mowed half the yard today...in this horrible hot humid soup weather we had...so that must have smacked my metabolism somewhat! Could I possibly have sweated any more? I truly don't think so.
It didn't help that I poured diesel into the lawn mower half way through (thought it was gas)...then spent an hour trying to start the @#*&!! back up for an hour until Dave got home...oh I was pissed! When he pulled in the driveway I was laying in the grass next to the mower muttering dire epithets to the sky...but at least I burned some calories.
Look at that...I'm so frazzled I can't even type straight...did you get that I tried starting it for an hour? Sheesh...
I think I need some water.
When are you gonna cover up those nightmare pictures with a new post?
all right already with the damn snakes; we've all seen them many times now hoping to find something a bit more mentally stimulating like maybe a "knock, knock" joke.
knock, knock...
who's there...
Celeste who?....
Celeste time I'll tell you!!!!!
If an athlete gets athlete's foot, what does an astronaut get?
Missile toe.
What is green and flies?
Super Pickle.
If you want this to stop, put up a new post.
To quote Cheryl on 6/3/08:
This is not eh Chinese water torture. That comes next.
knock, knock
who's there?
lettuce who?
lettuce in, it's cold out here.
What noise annoys a noisy oyster?
A noisy noise annoys a noisy oyster.
What is yellow and writes?
A ball-point banana.
What is gray, has four legs, and a trunk?
A mouse going on vacation.
Three guys go to a ski lodge, and there aren't enough rooms, so they have to share a bed. In the middle of the night, the guy on the right wakes up and says, "I had this wild, vivid dream of getting a hand job!" The guy on the left wakes up, and unbelievably, he's had the same dream, too. Then the guy in the middle wakes up and says, "That's funny, I dreamed I was skiing!"
A man walks into a hamburger shop and orders a regular meal. Later, the waitress brings his meal to him. He takes a bite out of it, and notices there's a small hair in the hamburger. He begins yelling frantically at the waitress, "Waitress, there's a hair in my hamburger! I demand to see what is going on!"
So, the waitress takes him back where the cook is and to his demise, he sees the cook take the meat patty and flatten it under his arm pit. He says, "That's disgusting!"
Then the waitress says, "You think that's disgusting you should see him make donuts."
"Linda: "What's that you're reading?"
Jill: "A diary."
Linda: What's in it?
Jill: "I can't tell you that. A diary is a highly personal and confidential affair, It has important secret dreams and secret yearnings. It's private. It's not meant to be shared lightly with other people. And besides, this diary belongs to Margaret."
Hello, hello, hello...
Is there anybody in there...
Just nod if you can hear me...
Is there anyone at home?
- Pink Floyd
Why do jack-o-lanterns have stupid smiles on their faces?
You'd have a stupid smile, too, if you had just had all your brains scooped out!
How do you mend a broken Jack-o-lantern?
With a pumpkin patch!
Need Therapy? Clear Out Your Stuff
Posted Thu, Aug 14, 2008, 2:02 pm PDT
70% of users found this article helpful.
Post a Comment View All 1 Comment Cleaning is my own personal form of therapy. There's something about clearing the decks that puts a smile on my face and relaxes me. Over the years, I have developed a method that is especially effective for me and my family. (Warning: Chaos is involved.)
When I am cleaning an area such as, say, my front hall closet, which I recently tackled, I take everything out and put it on the living room floor. Every tennis racquet, bike helmet, lacrosse stick, sleeping bag or soccer ball gets strewn on the floor and remains there until someone—either me or someone in my family—decides they want it enough to put it back in the closet. After 24 hours, anything left on the floor goes to friends or gets donated to charity.
This works because I have zero tolerance for mess in the living room, and putting it all on the floor forces the issue. I do the same with bookshelves, and it even works with my office inbox, which by day's end is usually teeming with memos, stories and Post-its.
I try to clear things out often because I know it staves off stress: The longer something languishes in your inbox, the more anxiety it creates. Need a little nudge in the decluttering direction? Jen M. R. Doman, owner of Get It Together!, an organizing service in Brooklyn, New York, suggests asking yourself these questions to help you pinpoint what to purge:
• When you look at the item, does it bring up unpleasant memories of a tough time? Sentimental keepsakes should promote feelings of happiness, not regret.
• Do you have a home for it? If you don't immediately envision the spot where you think it belongs, it's a clue that you may no longer need it.
• Is there someone else (a friend or family member, even a charity) who would enjoy the item more than you do? If so, put it on your giveaway pile.
• When did you last use it? If it has been more than three months and it is not a seasonal item (such as your Christmas tree stand), chances are, you can do without it and not even notice.
Find more ideas on spring-cleaning the clutter at Self.com's "In 30 Days, You Can Get Organized."
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Hey now that's a useful comment!
This is comment number 41, containing a serious request for the adumbration of certain viperiferous calcifications into transmiogrified addenda of a benificent and highly luculent quodlibet nature.
What's up ChickenButt?
Ah, go take a picture of your bees' nest for pete's sake...the camera won't work itself....
Knock Knock
Go away!
Knock Knock
Go away!!!!!!
Bye bye.
Sorry bur I couldn´t help laughing...have a nice day
who's afraid of the big bad wolf????? not me
So what cha got brewing over there??? Huh huh???? Come on, bring it on......
Well Cheryl said you were back on the prowl but still nothing new posted here. What is the matter with you? Can't be social???
Where's the pictures from Thanksgiving??
Happy New Year!!!
Can we see something new here?
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