Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Peppys ? about Al-Khidr

The later legend derives from the "Water of Life" tale in the Eastern versions of the Alexander Romance, where Alexander and his servant cross the Land of Darkness to find the restorative spring. The servant in that story is in turn derived from Middle Eastern legends of Al-Khidr, a sage who appears also in the Qur'an. Arabic and Aljamiado versions of the Alexander Romance were very popular in Spain during and after the period of Moorish rule, and would have been known to the explorers who journeyed to America.


Biddie said...

Wikipedia is fun to read thru - so poor Moses was flummoxed by Al-Khidr ?!? The bible sure doesn't admit to this ....

Priscilla said...

Very, very interesting.

Cheryl said...

How ya doing Dahlin? Didja have a good weekend?

Priscilla said...

Hey, Big Blue, how about writing a new post with your fountain pen of youth?

Kristen said...

Happy Mothers Day!

Kristen said...

Happy Kwanzaa!!!

Herb said...

Flummoxed!!!! I hope you mean that in the biblical sense, Bid...

And we all know that the bible is absolutly correct... I must admit however I am still struggling with that "In 7 Days" bit!!! If only they would hurry up and find that deposit layer with mixed human and dinosaur bones it would all come together for me....

Kristen said...

I would like to know how Jesus walked on the water and parted the red sea

Cheryl said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Cheryl said...

The question I've always wondered about...if Cain & Abel were the first sons of Adam & Eve (the first humans created)...why did God brand Cain with a sign that he had killed his brother & cast him out upon the people "I shall be a fugitive and a wanderer on the earth, and whoever finds me will kill me."..what people? What other people were there? Where did these other people come from? And why didn't they know already? It seems like that would have been a pretty small group, the first family and all...I've never understood that.

Kristen said...

They were retarded because they were inbred and didn't know there were no other people

Kristen said...

Cheryl how do you know so much about church stuff?

Cheryl said...

I have read the bible...in fact did so as a child. I just don't like the intolerance demonstrated at most churches. Doesn't mean I don't believe in God...I just don't ascribe to one particular definition of "Him".

Kristen said...

Don't you mean She?

Kristen said...

Happy New Year!

Priscilla said...

Herb, did I get the "Cheese Crate" reference right?

Kristen said...


Cheryl said...

"If you gaze for long into an abyss, the abyss gazes also into you."
Friedrich Nietzsche

This is the quote I butchered the other day on the phone.

Cheryl said...

I'll stop obsessing over the stupid #@*&!! waterfall if you stop obsessing over the twice as stupid @#!!*! radio....

Have a good Memorial weekend.

Cheryl said...

When the red red robin
comes bob bob bobbin along...

Watch out, they can be little ankle biters....

Priscilla said...

One mega-byss or two mega-byss, that is the question... or should I say one giga-byss, as on my flash drive...I am really trying to keep up with the times.

Kristen said...

Ba ba ba bird bird bird, a bird is the word, ba ba ba bird bird bird, have you heard??? Where'd ya go Herb???

Cheryl said...

Oh look...it's a nice kitty that showed up in my yard..here kitty kitty, how about a nice scratch behind the ears?


Oh, Mr. Bear, did you come to save me?? Hey...what tha??!!!..no!!!...that's my leg..I need that!!! Ow..hey..no I need that one too!!!


This is such a bad day...oh hello there Mr. Red Squirrel, can you help me drag myself to the house? OH!!! OWWWWWWW!!! Get off my face!!! No!!!


Just a nice day in the garden.....

Herb said...


You nailed the "Cheese Crate". I can still remember that old bus. It's body was made out of wood and it was falling apart!!! Where was OSHA when we needed them. No red flashing lights either.. It's a wonder we survived...

Herb said...


Kitty is coming to call.. They say that the scream of a Mtn Lion is an incredible thing to hear. Listen on a quite evening and perhaps if you are lucky you will hear something in the distance.... Getting closer and closer and ......... Burp

Herb said...


He cheated... He was wearing Rubbers...

Herb said...

Cheryl..... Maybe they was "Monkey People". You know "Knukle Draggers" of the worst kind. The kind that would
"Flummox" you without warning or remorse>

Herb said...


The only bad churches that you have to worry about are the ones with the "Giant Dower Norwegian Pastors" !! They can be very grim indeed.

Cheryl said...

I have heard a mountain lion scream, when I was out in Flatonia Texas at C.Cay's parents' land.

I'll never forget it either ~ put the hair right up on the back of my neck & turned my blood to ice...sounded like a banshee woman from hell. It was nightime, and all of us kids were camping on the porch.

There was an old graveyard right down the road that of course immediately came to mind upon hearing that scream...one headstone in particular used to fascinate us kids as it actually had an antique picture of the woman buried embedded into the stone. So of all of us were sure it was the woman coming up the road to get us.

I can still remember all the silhouettes of heads popping up in alarm after hearing the scream..then Grandma's voice floating through the screen window telling us what is was.

Herb said...


You can relax because I understand that that haunted old woman has moved to a new abode in the Florida Panhandle where she still roars every once-in-a-while. Scares the hell out of a demon herd of cattle she keeps for company!!!

Priscilla said...

Cheryl, what an exciting childhood you had....It has made you the woman you are, and isn't it the dangerous, wild, crazy things that one remembers later on with fondness?...like the Cheese Crate bus we survived (wadda ya want, in 1946 there was no money for things like safety, and just peace was enough of a luxury.)
Isn't it time, Herb, to start a new post? (All these lively comments, he must be havin' a beer at his desk again)

Herb said...


You are right! We need a topic though.. Let me dwell on it for a bit....... Hmmmmmm BZZzzzzzz

it will come to me

Cheryl said...

Damn...Monkey People??!! And here I was worried about bears & mountain lions...I guess I won't be wearing my banana suit anymore when I garden, that's a shame as it has such apeel.


Priscilla said...

Such apeel! Well skin me alive, you hi tan awfully sensitive spot, there, Cheryl.
Oh, that picture of a bulldog and its owner gave me an idea...What about that for a new post?...what animals live in your house, Herb?

Herb said...

Well Peppy I do have one critter that I picked up while traveling for the company. It is a Shaggy Quadrapedd that I found while on stop over on the Isle of Flum in the Adriatic Sea. You guessed it. I have probably the only Flumm Ox in north america tied to a tree in my back yard and it's a beaut!!! As the Flumovians tell the story A Flumm Ox tied to a tree in your back yard will keep all sorts of Evil Spirits away and lead to exceptional good luck. That is except in Florida where for reasons unknown Flum Oxes seemed to be robbed of their power by some local abnormality.

Biddie said...

this Floridian Flumovian only howls at the full moon .....

Priscilla said...

How 'bout posting a picture of your Flum-Ox since it's right there?
Two points for verbal originality.

Priscilla said...

Biddie, I would take offense at being called "some local abnormality", by gum! Don't let that one pass.

Biddie said...

Alas - some poor Yankees are so easily duped!

I have probably the only Flumm Ox in north america tied to a tree in my back yard and it's a beaut!!! As the Flumovians tell the story A Flumm Ox tied to a tree in your back yard will keep all sorts of Evil Spirits away and lead to exceptional good luck. That is except in Florida where for reasons unknown Flum Oxes seemed to be robbed of their power by some local abnormality.

Poor guy - he believed it all.

What he actually has is one of those knuckle-draggers that wandered in drunk one night and got tangled up in all those hammy wires strung up back there. The poor k-d quickly spun this tale just to keep said Yankee from getting mad about the mess that he (i.e., the k-d) created by trying to get loose. (Hasn't said Yankee experienced some problems with his ham radios lately?)

By the way, Flumm Oxes are native to the Jersey Pine Barrens but migrate to the south in the winter via hidden wings. If the truth be known, the FO's are very cagey and NOBODY robs them of their powers! They are friendly with the k-d's and are great impersonaters - actually so are the k-d's - this one in the Yankee's back yard is obviously so good that it has completely flummoxed said Yankee!!

Priscilla said...

I'm a little confused too at this point.

Biddie said...

((grin)) That's because the Flumm Oxes and the Knuckle-draggers are so good at their mischievous games of shape-shifting and impersonations. They love to play with the minds of us mere humans.

Priscilla said...

But you could be a K-D disguised as "Biddie". (How can we test this?)

Cheryl said...

Wait a minute...Jersey Pine Barrens?? Forget the Flum Oxes & Monkey People & even the Knuckle Draggers....that's encroaching on the territory of the Jersey Devil...I've seen pictures of him..RUN AWAY...

The Jersey Devil tolerates no foolishness, but can be benevolent with lost retainers...
Leeches however he does turn a blind eye towards, especially in the lily pads.

Priscilla said...

Sounds like someone we know....