To dispell any rumors that I have crossed the great divide as it were, I figured that I had better show some signs of life!! so here is a late photo of my developing Ham Radio Station W1XU. Its getting there but is still a bit of a rats nest in spots.
Hey, that's impressive!
(The more things change, the more they stay the same)
Can you give us a diagram with the name of each gadget and what it does?
Which one is the coffee cup warmer?
(grin) and what is the current count of holes drilled thru the walls??
I like your comment Bid! Herbie I'm really impressed with the progress you've made in this room. I can remember what it originally looked like.....not a pretty sight! I guess me staying away these past few weekends helped you get organized. Your vacation is now over! Get the fireplace going and fetch me my martini!
No, ??, 38, Yes Dear...
I don't get it, what do you do in there?
Anything that I want to!
Sometimes I even Emasculate Drosophalae with a toothpick!
Is that what you call cleaning your teeth?
Does Lori know??
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