Recently Family members and friends were interviewed and reported that her early years were the most difficult. Potty Training was a monster battle with the little angel. The accompanying photo was taken at the age of 12. As you can see she was out of diapers but still had a long way to go!
You are officially thrown out of the sandbox, you can't play nice
Kris....I did warn you about him......
Oh..... I'm so sorry. All pictorial back up was taken from wholesome family sites run by godfearing christian Ladys.
From Norway!!
I agree with you Kris, Herb you need to sit in the time out chair. You are not a good boy today or any day for that matter!
Herbie, go check out Biddie's blog, you'll like the latest picture she posted.
Kirs, if you want me to have a co-worker of Herb's pinch him really hard I'll give her a call!
Yes, yes, that's the Herbie we knew back in Berkeley Heights! We threw him in the frog pond once for such behavior, as I recall. Gosh, Herb, and I was just about to complement you on the great nature photos....then the DARK SIDE emerged!
Whoa Priscilla, don't encourage him
Priscilla...that's funny! I wish I could have seen that!
Hey Peppy,
How you is. It has been a long time. Forgive my blog but I am under a continuing state of seige. I battle every day for my life!! These woman are tough!! I do agree this one is awful and I am taking the picture down today.
Ha!!! What's amatter Papa...are you feeling a wee bit embarrassed? Priscilla, you actually brought him to his senses! That must have been some toss into the frog pond!
Now Dad, what the heck does this picture have to do with the post?
I'm glad you took my advise and took down that first picture.
As usual, I missed all the action!! But, Priscilla, that frog pond incident must have happened before I moved into the neighborhood the summer before 7th grade!! Did he come out of the pond looking kinda "furry" with all the muck? That's where he must have gotten the "FrogFur" nickname ....
Hiya Herbie,
It's been more than 50 years but, let's see,I believe we ganged up on you (me and my two brothers)and it wasn't that big a pond, though it was slimy...Oh, remember all those great places we had to roamed, Kents' woods, Proctors' woods, Pratts' woods, the fields off Park Avenue. It was great before they built all the houses. We were outdoor kids for sure and I sense that your daughter Cheryl is the same. Gee, I have a lot of memories of the BH neighborhood and you are in many of them. Do you still have that huge collection of comic books? and Nazi paraphenalia? and that neat swing? (no, of course not)
Yes, Biddie, I think that was before you moved into the neighborhood. Immediately, your house became the focus of our kid lives. Where else could I watch TV?
Cheryl, your house project is amazing and you have so much energy! Good for you!
Herb, your women are tough, but in a good sense. There's a French cooking proverb, "The tougher the bird, the sweeter the sauce."
Priscilla - you have such good and vivid memories of the BH years!! It brings tears to my eyes! It's so great to have friends around with a common background!!
I sure loved all those woods we had to roam in - I was really devastated when all those beautiful woods behind our house were sold, cut down, streets made and houses built .... Then my yard was cut up so that 3 or 4 more houses were built. And then your yard was divided up also - it was a surrealistic trip to go back that year of our 30th year high school reunion and see those changes.
Thank you Priscilla :)
I love that saying by the way~
"The tougher the bird...the sweeter the sauce"...
Hey Dad you old Turkey Buzzard!!
Wake up over here!!!! C'mon post something already! What's up Chickenbutt?
Yeah what's up ogre?
hey will you get something new up there already???? I'm bored looking at the same old picture
Big Brother is watching you!!!!
Hey whats the deal, you can't talk to us any more??? Cat got your tongue?
can't think of anything nice to say?
As the free voice of America, jeez, not much happening over here...
Wutz up here??? Boring....... zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Do we conclude the Censors have shut you down?
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