Monday, June 2, 2008

A New Topic !!

In attempt to show some semblance of life in this Blog I offer for your consideration the premiss that things are often far from what they appear to be. As a forinstance the next time a liberal politition offers you an Icecream Cone at a fund raiser it might be wise to think twice before licking.


Cheryl said...

Oh for pete's sake....



Two thumbs down.

Try again Spanky.

Herb said...

Screwist Youis

Cheryl said...

Such an evil~tempered little troll....

but such a masterful grip upon the English language....

If you were here, I'd poke you with a very sharp stick.

Biddie said...

hmmmm - a newly discovered (and quite possibly somewhat difficult) way to slurp up ice cream. I always thought that there were those whose taste buds were located in this area ....

Cheryl said...

I think I saw that on Oprah....such a tragic condition.